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    Aprender Verbos regulares

Verbos Regulares

La mayoría de los verbos en inglés es regular, que siguen un patrón típico de conjugación. Para formar el pasado simple y participio pasado de los verbos regulares, simplemente añadimos "-ed" al final del verbo. Para obtener más información, puedes ver la lección Pasado Simple . En la tabla a continuación, encontrarás las conjugaciones de más de 200 verbos regulares.
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to agree estar de acuerdo; acordar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To agree"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I agree.
You agree.
We agree.
He/She/It agrees.
You agree.
They agree.
I do not agree.
You do not agree.
We do not agree.
He/She/It does not agree.
You do not agree.
They do not agree.
Do I agree?
Do you agree?
Do we agree?
Does he/she/it agree?
Do you agree?
Do they agree?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am agreeing.
You are agreeing.
We are agreeing.
He/She/It is agreeing.
You are agreeing.
They are agreeing.
I am not agreeing.
You are not agreeing.
We are not agreeing.
He/She/It is not agreeing.
You are not agreeing.
They are not agreeing.
Am I agreeing?
Are you agreeing?
Are we agreeing?
Is he/she/it agreeing?
Are you agreeing?
Are they agreeing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I agreed.
You agreed.
We agreed.
He/She/It agreed.
You agreed.
They agreed.
I did not agree.
You did not agree.
We did not agree.
He/She/It did not agree.
You did not agree.
They did not agree.
Did I agree?
Did you agree?
Did we agree?
Did he/she/it agree?
Did you agree?
Did they agree?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was agreeing.
You were agreeing.
We were agreeing.
He/She/It was agreeing.
You were agreeing.
They were agreeing.
I was not agreeing.
You were not agreeing.
We were not agreeing.
He/She/It was not agreeing.
You were not agreeing.
They were not agreeing.
Was I agreeing?
Were you agreeing?
Were we agreeing?
Was he/she/it agreeing?
Were you agreeing?
Were they agreeing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will agree.
You will agree.
We will agree.
He/She/It will agree.
You will agree.
They will agree.
I will not agree.
You will not agree.
We will not agree.
He/She/It will not agree.
You will not agree.
They will not agree.
Will I agree?
Will you agree?
Will we agree?
Will he/she/it agree?
Will you agree?
Will they agree?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have agreed.
You have agreed.
We have agreed.
He/She/It has agreed.
You have agreed.
They have agreed.
I have not agreed.
You have not agreed.
We have not agreed.
He/She/It has not agreed.
You have not agreed.
They have not agreed.
Have I agreed?
Have you agreed?
Have we agreed?
Has he/she/it agreed?
Have you agreed?
Have they agreed?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been agreeing.
You have been agreeing.
We have been agreeing.
He/She/It has been agreeing.
You have been agreeing.
They have been agreeing.
I have not been agreeing.
You have not been agreeing.
We have not been agreeing.
He/She/It has not been agreeing.
You have not been agreeing.
They have not been agreeing.
Have I been agreeing?
Have you been agreeing?
Have we been agreeing?
Has he/she/it been agreeing?
Have you been agreeing?
Have they been agreeing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had agreed.
You had agreed.
We had agreed.
He/She/It had agreed.
You had agreed.
They had agreed.
I had not agreed.
You had not agreed.
We had not agreed.
He/She/It had not agreed.
You had not agreed.
They had not agreed.
Had I agreed?
Had you agreed?
Had we agreed?
Had he/she/it agreed?
Had you agreed?
Had they agreed?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been agreeing.
You had been agreeing.
We had been agreeing.
He/She/It had been agreeing.
You had been agreeing.
They had been agreeing.
I had not been agreeing.
You had not been agreeing.
We had not been agreeing.
He/She/It had not been agreeing.
You had not been agreeing.
They had not been agreeing.
Had I been agreeing?
Had you been agreeing?
Had we been agreeing?
Had he/she/it been agreeing?
Had you been agreeing?
Had they been agreeing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have agreed.
You will have agreed.
We will have agreed.
He/She/It will have agreed.
You will have agreed.
They will have agreed.
I will not have agreed.
You will not have agreed.
We will not have agreed.
He/She/It will not have agreed.
You will not have agreed.
They will not have agreed.
Will I have agreed?
Will you have agreed?
Will we have agreed?
Will he/she/it have agreed?
Will you have agreed?
Will they have agreed?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would agree.
You would agree.
We would agree.
He/She/It would agree.
You would agree.
They would agree.
I would not agree.
You would not agree.
We would not agree.
He/She/It would not agree.
You would not agree.
They would not agree.
Would I agree?
Would you agree?
Would we agree?
Would he/she/it agree?
Would you agree?
Would they agree?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have agreed.
You would have agreed.
We would have agreed.
He/She/It would have agreed.
You would have agreed.
They would have agreed.
I would not have agreed.
You would not have agreed.
We would not have agreed.
He/She/It would not have agreed.
You would not have agreed.
They would not have agreed.
Would I have agreed?
Would you have agreed?
Would we have agreed?
Would he/she/it have agreed?
Would you have agreed?
Would they have agreed?

to answer responder; contestar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To answer"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I answer.
You answer.
We answer.
He/She/It answers.
You answer.
They answer.
I do not answer.
You do not answer.
We do not answer.
He/She/It does not answer.
You do not answer.
They do not answer.
Do I answer?
Do you answer?
Do we answer?
Does he/she/it answer?
Do you answer?
Do they answer?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am answerring.
You are answerring.
We are answerring.
He/She/It is answerring.
You are answerring.
They are answerring.
I am not answerring.
You are not answerring.
We are not answerring.
He/She/It is not answerring.
You are not answerring.
They are not answerring.
Am I answerring?
Are you answerring?
Are we answerring?
Is he/she/it answerring?
Are you answerring?
Are they answerring?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I answerred.
You answerred.
We answerred.
He/She/It answerred.
You answerred.
They answerred.
I did not answer.
You did not answer.
We did not answer.
He/She/It did not answer.
You did not answer.
They did not answer.
Did I answer?
Did you answer?
Did we answer?
Did he/she/it answer?
Did you answer?
Did they answer?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was answerring.
You were answerring.
We were answerring.
He/She/It was answerring.
You were answerring.
They were answerring.
I was not answerring.
You were not answerring.
We were not answerring.
He/She/It was not answerring.
You were not answerring.
They were not answerring.
Was I answerring?
Were you answerring?
Were we answerring?
Was he/she/it answerring?
Were you answerring?
Were they answerring?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will answer.
You will answer.
We will answer.
He/She/It will answer.
You will answer.
They will answer.
I will not answer.
You will not answer.
We will not answer.
He/She/It will not answer.
You will not answer.
They will not answer.
Will I answer?
Will you answer?
Will we answer?
Will he/she/it answer?
Will you answer?
Will they answer?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have answerred.
You have answerred.
We have answerred.
He/She/It has answerred.
You have answerred.
They have answerred.
I have not answerred.
You have not answerred.
We have not answerred.
He/She/It has not answerred.
You have not answerred.
They have not answerred.
Have I answerred?
Have you answerred?
Have we answerred?
Has he/she/it answerred?
Have you answerred?
Have they answerred?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been answerring.
You have been answerring.
We have been answerring.
He/She/It has been answerring.
You have been answerring.
They have been answerring.
I have not been answerring.
You have not been answerring.
We have not been answerring.
He/She/It has not been answerring.
You have not been answerring.
They have not been answerring.
Have I been answerring?
Have you been answerring?
Have we been answerring?
Has he/she/it been answerring?
Have you been answerring?
Have they been answerring?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had answerred.
You had answerred.
We had answerred.
He/She/It had answerred.
You had answerred.
They had answerred.
I had not answerred.
You had not answerred.
We had not answerred.
He/She/It had not answerred.
You had not answerred.
They had not answerred.
Had I answerred?
Had you answerred?
Had we answerred?
Had he/she/it answerred?
Had you answerred?
Had they answerred?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been answerring.
You had been answerring.
We had been answerring.
He/She/It had been answerring.
You had been answerring.
They had been answerring.
I had not been answerring.
You had not been answerring.
We had not been answerring.
He/She/It had not been answerring.
You had not been answerring.
They had not been answerring.
Had I been answerring?
Had you been answerring?
Had we been answerring?
Had he/she/it been answerring?
Had you been answerring?
Had they been answerring?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have answerred.
You will have answerred.
We will have answerred.
He/She/It will have answerred.
You will have answerred.
They will have answerred.
I will not have answerred.
You will not have answerred.
We will not have answerred.
He/She/It will not have answerred.
You will not have answerred.
They will not have answerred.
Will I have answerred?
Will you have answerred?
Will we have answerred?
Will he/she/it have answerred?
Will you have answerred?
Will they have answerred?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would answer.
You would answer.
We would answer.
He/She/It would answer.
You would answer.
They would answer.
I would not answer.
You would not answer.
We would not answer.
He/She/It would not answer.
You would not answer.
They would not answer.
Would I answer?
Would you answer?
Would we answer?
Would he/she/it answer?
Would you answer?
Would they answer?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have answerred.
You would have answerred.
We would have answerred.
He/She/It would have answerred.
You would have answerred.
They would have answerred.
I would not have answerred.
You would not have answerred.
We would not have answerred.
He/She/It would not have answerred.
You would not have answerred.
They would not have answerred.
Would I have answerred?
Would you have answerred?
Would we have answerred?
Would he/she/it have answerred?
Would you have answerred?
Would they have answerred?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To arrive"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I arrive.
You arrive.
We arrive.
He/She/It arrives.
You arrive.
They arrive.
I do not arrive.
You do not arrive.
We do not arrive.
He/She/It does not arrive.
You do not arrive.
They do not arrive.
Do I arrive?
Do you arrive?
Do we arrive?
Does he/she/it arrive?
Do you arrive?
Do they arrive?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am arriving.
You are arriving.
We are arriving.
He/She/It is arriving.
You are arriving.
They are arriving.
I am not arriving.
You are not arriving.
We are not arriving.
He/She/It is not arriving.
You are not arriving.
They are not arriving.
Am I arriving?
Are you arriving?
Are we arriving?
Is he/she/it arriving?
Are you arriving?
Are they arriving?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I arrived.
You arrived.
We arrived.
He/She/It arrived.
You arrived.
They arrived.
I did not arrive.
You did not arrive.
We did not arrive.
He/She/It did not arrive.
You did not arrive.
They did not arrive.
Did I arrive?
Did you arrive?
Did we arrive?
Did he/she/it arrive?
Did you arrive?
Did they arrive?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was arriving.
You were arriving.
We were arriving.
He/She/It was arriving.
You were arriving.
They were arriving.
I was not arriving.
You were not arriving.
We were not arriving.
He/She/It was not arriving.
You were not arriving.
They were not arriving.
Was I arriving?
Were you arriving?
Were we arriving?
Was he/she/it arriving?
Were you arriving?
Were they arriving?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will arrive.
You will arrive.
We will arrive.
He/She/It will arrive.
You will arrive.
They will arrive.
I will not arrive.
You will not arrive.
We will not arrive.
He/She/It will not arrive.
You will not arrive.
They will not arrive.
Will I arrive?
Will you arrive?
Will we arrive?
Will he/she/it arrive?
Will you arrive?
Will they arrive?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have arrived.
You have arrived.
We have arrived.
He/She/It has arrived.
You have arrived.
They have arrived.
I have not arrived.
You have not arrived.
We have not arrived.
He/She/It has not arrived.
You have not arrived.
They have not arrived.
Have I arrived?
Have you arrived?
Have we arrived?
Has he/she/it arrived?
Have you arrived?
Have they arrived?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been arriving.
You have been arriving.
We have been arriving.
He/She/It has been arriving.
You have been arriving.
They have been arriving.
I have not been arriving.
You have not been arriving.
We have not been arriving.
He/She/It has not been arriving.
You have not been arriving.
They have not been arriving.
Have I been arriving?
Have you been arriving?
Have we been arriving?
Has he/she/it been arriving?
Have you been arriving?
Have they been arriving?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had arrived.
You had arrived.
We had arrived.
He/She/It had arrived.
You had arrived.
They had arrived.
I had not arrived.
You had not arrived.
We had not arrived.
He/She/It had not arrived.
You had not arrived.
They had not arrived.
Had I arrived?
Had you arrived?
Had we arrived?
Had he/she/it arrived?
Had you arrived?
Had they arrived?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been arriving.
You had been arriving.
We had been arriving.
He/She/It had been arriving.
You had been arriving.
They had been arriving.
I had not been arriving.
You had not been arriving.
We had not been arriving.
He/She/It had not been arriving.
You had not been arriving.
They had not been arriving.
Had I been arriving?
Had you been arriving?
Had we been arriving?
Had he/she/it been arriving?
Had you been arriving?
Had they been arriving?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have arrived.
You will have arrived.
We will have arrived.
He/She/It will have arrived.
You will have arrived.
They will have arrived.
I will not have arrived.
You will not have arrived.
We will not have arrived.
He/She/It will not have arrived.
You will not have arrived.
They will not have arrived.
Will I have arrived?
Will you have arrived?
Will we have arrived?
Will he/she/it have arrived?
Will you have arrived?
Will they have arrived?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would arrive.
You would arrive.
We would arrive.
He/She/It would arrive.
You would arrive.
They would arrive.
I would not arrive.
You would not arrive.
We would not arrive.
He/She/It would not arrive.
You would not arrive.
They would not arrive.
Would I arrive?
Would you arrive?
Would we arrive?
Would he/she/it arrive?
Would you arrive?
Would they arrive?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have arrived.
You would have arrived.
We would have arrived.
He/She/It would have arrived.
You would have arrived.
They would have arrived.
I would not have arrived.
You would not have arrived.
We would not have arrived.
He/She/It would not have arrived.
You would not have arrived.
They would not have arrived.
Would I have arrived?
Would you have arrived?
Would we have arrived?
Would he/she/it have arrived?
Would you have arrived?
Would they have arrived?

to ask preguntar; pedir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To ask"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I ask.
You ask.
We ask.
He/She/It asks.
You ask.
They ask.
I do not ask.
You do not ask.
We do not ask.
He/She/It does not ask.
You do not ask.
They do not ask.
Do I ask?
Do you ask?
Do we ask?
Does he/she/it ask?
Do you ask?
Do they ask?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am asking.
You are asking.
We are asking.
He/She/It is asking.
You are asking.
They are asking.
I am not asking.
You are not asking.
We are not asking.
He/She/It is not asking.
You are not asking.
They are not asking.
Am I asking?
Are you asking?
Are we asking?
Is he/she/it asking?
Are you asking?
Are they asking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I asked.
You asked.
We asked.
He/She/It asked.
You asked.
They asked.
I did not ask.
You did not ask.
We did not ask.
He/She/It did not ask.
You did not ask.
They did not ask.
Did I ask?
Did you ask?
Did we ask?
Did he/she/it ask?
Did you ask?
Did they ask?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was asking.
You were asking.
We were asking.
He/She/It was asking.
You were asking.
They were asking.
I was not asking.
You were not asking.
We were not asking.
He/She/It was not asking.
You were not asking.
They were not asking.
Was I asking?
Were you asking?
Were we asking?
Was he/she/it asking?
Were you asking?
Were they asking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will ask.
You will ask.
We will ask.
He/She/It will ask.
You will ask.
They will ask.
I will not ask.
You will not ask.
We will not ask.
He/She/It will not ask.
You will not ask.
They will not ask.
Will I ask?
Will you ask?
Will we ask?
Will he/she/it ask?
Will you ask?
Will they ask?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have asked.
You have asked.
We have asked.
He/She/It has asked.
You have asked.
They have asked.
I have not asked.
You have not asked.
We have not asked.
He/She/It has not asked.
You have not asked.
They have not asked.
Have I asked?
Have you asked?
Have we asked?
Has he/she/it asked?
Have you asked?
Have they asked?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been asking.
You have been asking.
We have been asking.
He/She/It has been asking.
You have been asking.
They have been asking.
I have not been asking.
You have not been asking.
We have not been asking.
He/She/It has not been asking.
You have not been asking.
They have not been asking.
Have I been asking?
Have you been asking?
Have we been asking?
Has he/she/it been asking?
Have you been asking?
Have they been asking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had asked.
You had asked.
We had asked.
He/She/It had asked.
You had asked.
They had asked.
I had not asked.
You had not asked.
We had not asked.
He/She/It had not asked.
You had not asked.
They had not asked.
Had I asked?
Had you asked?
Had we asked?
Had he/she/it asked?
Had you asked?
Had they asked?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been asking.
You had been asking.
We had been asking.
He/She/It had been asking.
You had been asking.
They had been asking.
I had not been asking.
You had not been asking.
We had not been asking.
He/She/It had not been asking.
You had not been asking.
They had not been asking.
Had I been asking?
Had you been asking?
Had we been asking?
Had he/she/it been asking?
Had you been asking?
Had they been asking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have asked.
You will have asked.
We will have asked.
He/She/It will have asked.
You will have asked.
They will have asked.
I will not have asked.
You will not have asked.
We will not have asked.
He/She/It will not have asked.
You will not have asked.
They will not have asked.
Will I have asked?
Will you have asked?
Will we have asked?
Will he/she/it have asked?
Will you have asked?
Will they have asked?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would ask.
You would ask.
We would ask.
He/She/It would ask.
You would ask.
They would ask.
I would not ask.
You would not ask.
We would not ask.
He/She/It would not ask.
You would not ask.
They would not ask.
Would I ask?
Would you ask?
Would we ask?
Would he/she/it ask?
Would you ask?
Would they ask?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have asked.
You would have asked.
We would have asked.
He/She/It would have asked.
You would have asked.
They would have asked.
I would not have asked.
You would not have asked.
We would not have asked.
He/She/It would not have asked.
You would not have asked.
They would not have asked.
Would I have asked?
Would you have asked?
Would we have asked?
Would he/she/it have asked?
Would you have asked?
Would they have asked?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To believe"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I believe.
You believe.
We believe.
He/She/It believes.
You believe.
They believe.
I do not believe.
You do not believe.
We do not believe.
He/She/It does not believe.
You do not believe.
They do not believe.
Do I believe?
Do you believe?
Do we believe?
Does he/she/it believe?
Do you believe?
Do they believe?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am believing.
You are believing.
We are believing.
He/She/It is believing.
You are believing.
They are believing.
I am not believing.
You are not believing.
We are not believing.
He/She/It is not believing.
You are not believing.
They are not believing.
Am I believing?
Are you believing?
Are we believing?
Is he/she/it believing?
Are you believing?
Are they believing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I believed.
You believed.
We believed.
He/She/It believed.
You believed.
They believed.
I did not believe.
You did not believe.
We did not believe.
He/She/It did not believe.
You did not believe.
They did not believe.
Did I believe?
Did you believe?
Did we believe?
Did he/she/it believe?
Did you believe?
Did they believe?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was believing.
You were believing.
We were believing.
He/She/It was believing.
You were believing.
They were believing.
I was not believing.
You were not believing.
We were not believing.
He/She/It was not believing.
You were not believing.
They were not believing.
Was I believing?
Were you believing?
Were we believing?
Was he/she/it believing?
Were you believing?
Were they believing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will believe.
You will believe.
We will believe.
He/She/It will believe.
You will believe.
They will believe.
I will not believe.
You will not believe.
We will not believe.
He/She/It will not believe.
You will not believe.
They will not believe.
Will I believe?
Will you believe?
Will we believe?
Will he/she/it believe?
Will you believe?
Will they believe?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have believed.
You have believed.
We have believed.
He/She/It has believed.
You have believed.
They have believed.
I have not believed.
You have not believed.
We have not believed.
He/She/It has not believed.
You have not believed.
They have not believed.
Have I believed?
Have you believed?
Have we believed?
Has he/she/it believed?
Have you believed?
Have they believed?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been believing.
You have been believing.
We have been believing.
He/She/It has been believing.
You have been believing.
They have been believing.
I have not been believing.
You have not been believing.
We have not been believing.
He/She/It has not been believing.
You have not been believing.
They have not been believing.
Have I been believing?
Have you been believing?
Have we been believing?
Has he/she/it been believing?
Have you been believing?
Have they been believing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had believed.
You had believed.
We had believed.
He/She/It had believed.
You had believed.
They had believed.
I had not believed.
You had not believed.
We had not believed.
He/She/It had not believed.
You had not believed.
They had not believed.
Had I believed?
Had you believed?
Had we believed?
Had he/she/it believed?
Had you believed?
Had they believed?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been believing.
You had been believing.
We had been believing.
He/She/It had been believing.
You had been believing.
They had been believing.
I had not been believing.
You had not been believing.
We had not been believing.
He/She/It had not been believing.
You had not been believing.
They had not been believing.
Had I been believing?
Had you been believing?
Had we been believing?
Had he/she/it been believing?
Had you been believing?
Had they been believing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have believed.
You will have believed.
We will have believed.
He/She/It will have believed.
You will have believed.
They will have believed.
I will not have believed.
You will not have believed.
We will not have believed.
He/She/It will not have believed.
You will not have believed.
They will not have believed.
Will I have believed?
Will you have believed?
Will we have believed?
Will he/she/it have believed?
Will you have believed?
Will they have believed?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would believe.
You would believe.
We would believe.
He/She/It would believe.
You would believe.
They would believe.
I would not believe.
You would not believe.
We would not believe.
He/She/It would not believe.
You would not believe.
They would not believe.
Would I believe?
Would you believe?
Would we believe?
Would he/she/it believe?
Would you believe?
Would they believe?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have believed.
You would have believed.
We would have believed.
He/She/It would have believed.
You would have believed.
They would have believed.
I would not have believed.
You would not have believed.
We would not have believed.
He/She/It would not have believed.
You would not have believed.
They would not have believed.
Would I have believed?
Would you have believed?
Would we have believed?
Would he/she/it have believed?
Would you have believed?
Would they have believed?

to call llamar(se)
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To call"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I call.
You call.
We call.
He/She/It calls.
You call.
They call.
I do not call.
You do not call.
We do not call.
He/She/It does not call.
You do not call.
They do not call.
Do I call?
Do you call?
Do we call?
Does he/she/it call?
Do you call?
Do they call?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am calling.
You are calling.
We are calling.
He/She/It is calling.
You are calling.
They are calling.
I am not calling.
You are not calling.
We are not calling.
He/She/It is not calling.
You are not calling.
They are not calling.
Am I calling?
Are you calling?
Are we calling?
Is he/she/it calling?
Are you calling?
Are they calling?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I called.
You called.
We called.
He/She/It called.
You called.
They called.
I did not call.
You did not call.
We did not call.
He/She/It did not call.
You did not call.
They did not call.
Did I call?
Did you call?
Did we call?
Did he/she/it call?
Did you call?
Did they call?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was calling.
You were calling.
We were calling.
He/She/It was calling.
You were calling.
They were calling.
I was not calling.
You were not calling.
We were not calling.
He/She/It was not calling.
You were not calling.
They were not calling.
Was I calling?
Were you calling?
Were we calling?
Was he/she/it calling?
Were you calling?
Were they calling?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will call.
You will call.
We will call.
He/She/It will call.
You will call.
They will call.
I will not call.
You will not call.
We will not call.
He/She/It will not call.
You will not call.
They will not call.
Will I call?
Will you call?
Will we call?
Will he/she/it call?
Will you call?
Will they call?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have called.
You have called.
We have called.
He/She/It has called.
You have called.
They have called.
I have not called.
You have not called.
We have not called.
He/She/It has not called.
You have not called.
They have not called.
Have I called?
Have you called?
Have we called?
Has he/she/it called?
Have you called?
Have they called?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been calling.
You have been calling.
We have been calling.
He/She/It has been calling.
You have been calling.
They have been calling.
I have not been calling.
You have not been calling.
We have not been calling.
He/She/It has not been calling.
You have not been calling.
They have not been calling.
Have I been calling?
Have you been calling?
Have we been calling?
Has he/she/it been calling?
Have you been calling?
Have they been calling?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had called.
You had called.
We had called.
He/She/It had called.
You had called.
They had called.
I had not called.
You had not called.
We had not called.
He/She/It had not called.
You had not called.
They had not called.
Had I called?
Had you called?
Had we called?
Had he/she/it called?
Had you called?
Had they called?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been calling.
You had been calling.
We had been calling.
He/She/It had been calling.
You had been calling.
They had been calling.
I had not been calling.
You had not been calling.
We had not been calling.
He/She/It had not been calling.
You had not been calling.
They had not been calling.
Had I been calling?
Had you been calling?
Had we been calling?
Had he/she/it been calling?
Had you been calling?
Had they been calling?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have called.
You will have called.
We will have called.
He/She/It will have called.
You will have called.
They will have called.
I will not have called.
You will not have called.
We will not have called.
He/She/It will not have called.
You will not have called.
They will not have called.
Will I have called?
Will you have called?
Will we have called?
Will he/she/it have called?
Will you have called?
Will they have called?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would call.
You would call.
We would call.
He/She/It would call.
You would call.
They would call.
I would not call.
You would not call.
We would not call.
He/She/It would not call.
You would not call.
They would not call.
Would I call?
Would you call?
Would we call?
Would he/she/it call?
Would you call?
Would they call?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have called.
You would have called.
We would have called.
He/She/It would have called.
You would have called.
They would have called.
I would not have called.
You would not have called.
We would not have called.
He/She/It would not have called.
You would not have called.
They would not have called.
Would I have called?
Would you have called?
Would we have called?
Would he/she/it have called?
Would you have called?
Would they have called?

to carry cargar; llevar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To carry"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I carry.
You carry.
We carry.
He/She/It carries.
You carry.
They carry.
I do not carry.
You do not carry.
We do not carry.
He/She/It does not carry.
You do not carry.
They do not carry.
Do I carry?
Do you carry?
Do we carry?
Does he/she/it carry?
Do you carry?
Do they carry?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am carrying.
You are carrying.
We are carrying.
He/She/It is carrying.
You are carrying.
They are carrying.
I am not carrying.
You are not carrying.
We are not carrying.
He/She/It is not carrying.
You are not carrying.
They are not carrying.
Am I carrying?
Are you carrying?
Are we carrying?
Is he/she/it carrying?
Are you carrying?
Are they carrying?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I carried.
You carried.
We carried.
He/She/It carried.
You carried.
They carried.
I did not carry.
You did not carry.
We did not carry.
He/She/It did not carry.
You did not carry.
They did not carry.
Did I carry?
Did you carry?
Did we carry?
Did he/she/it carry?
Did you carry?
Did they carry?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was carrying.
You were carrying.
We were carrying.
He/She/It was carrying.
You were carrying.
They were carrying.
I was not carrying.
You were not carrying.
We were not carrying.
He/She/It was not carrying.
You were not carrying.
They were not carrying.
Was I carrying?
Were you carrying?
Were we carrying?
Was he/she/it carrying?
Were you carrying?
Were they carrying?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will carry.
You will carry.
We will carry.
He/She/It will carry.
You will carry.
They will carry.
I will not carry.
You will not carry.
We will not carry.
He/She/It will not carry.
You will not carry.
They will not carry.
Will I carry?
Will you carry?
Will we carry?
Will he/she/it carry?
Will you carry?
Will they carry?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have carried.
You have carried.
We have carried.
He/She/It has carried.
You have carried.
They have carried.
I have not carried.
You have not carried.
We have not carried.
He/She/It has not carried.
You have not carried.
They have not carried.
Have I carried?
Have you carried?
Have we carried?
Has he/she/it carried?
Have you carried?
Have they carried?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been carrying.
You have been carrying.
We have been carrying.
He/She/It has been carrying.
You have been carrying.
They have been carrying.
I have not been carrying.
You have not been carrying.
We have not been carrying.
He/She/It has not been carrying.
You have not been carrying.
They have not been carrying.
Have I been carrying?
Have you been carrying?
Have we been carrying?
Has he/she/it been carrying?
Have you been carrying?
Have they been carrying?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had carried.
You had carried.
We had carried.
He/She/It had carried.
You had carried.
They had carried.
I had not carried.
You had not carried.
We had not carried.
He/She/It had not carried.
You had not carried.
They had not carried.
Had I carried?
Had you carried?
Had we carried?
Had he/she/it carried?
Had you carried?
Had they carried?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been carrying.
You had been carrying.
We had been carrying.
He/She/It had been carrying.
You had been carrying.
They had been carrying.
I had not been carrying.
You had not been carrying.
We had not been carrying.
He/She/It had not been carrying.
You had not been carrying.
They had not been carrying.
Had I been carrying?
Had you been carrying?
Had we been carrying?
Had he/she/it been carrying?
Had you been carrying?
Had they been carrying?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have carried.
You will have carried.
We will have carried.
He/She/It will have carried.
You will have carried.
They will have carried.
I will not have carried.
You will not have carried.
We will not have carried.
He/She/It will not have carried.
You will not have carried.
They will not have carried.
Will I have carried?
Will you have carried?
Will we have carried?
Will he/she/it have carried?
Will you have carried?
Will they have carried?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would carry.
You would carry.
We would carry.
He/She/It would carry.
You would carry.
They would carry.
I would not carry.
You would not carry.
We would not carry.
He/She/It would not carry.
You would not carry.
They would not carry.
Would I carry?
Would you carry?
Would we carry?
Would he/she/it carry?
Would you carry?
Would they carry?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have carried.
You would have carried.
We would have carried.
He/She/It would have carried.
You would have carried.
They would have carried.
I would not have carried.
You would not have carried.
We would not have carried.
He/She/It would not have carried.
You would not have carried.
They would not have carried.
Would I have carried?
Would you have carried?
Would we have carried?
Would he/she/it have carried?
Would you have carried?
Would they have carried?

to change cambiar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To change"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I change.
You change.
We change.
He/She/It changes.
You change.
They change.
I do not change.
You do not change.
We do not change.
He/She/It does not change.
You do not change.
They do not change.
Do I change?
Do you change?
Do we change?
Does he/she/it change?
Do you change?
Do they change?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am changing.
You are changing.
We are changing.
He/She/It is changing.
You are changing.
They are changing.
I am not changing.
You are not changing.
We are not changing.
He/She/It is not changing.
You are not changing.
They are not changing.
Am I changing?
Are you changing?
Are we changing?
Is he/she/it changing?
Are you changing?
Are they changing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I changed.
You changed.
We changed.
He/She/It changed.
You changed.
They changed.
I did not change.
You did not change.
We did not change.
He/She/It did not change.
You did not change.
They did not change.
Did I change?
Did you change?
Did we change?
Did he/she/it change?
Did you change?
Did they change?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was changing.
You were changing.
We were changing.
He/She/It was changing.
You were changing.
They were changing.
I was not changing.
You were not changing.
We were not changing.
He/She/It was not changing.
You were not changing.
They were not changing.
Was I changing?
Were you changing?
Were we changing?
Was he/she/it changing?
Were you changing?
Were they changing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will change.
You will change.
We will change.
He/She/It will change.
You will change.
They will change.
I will not change.
You will not change.
We will not change.
He/She/It will not change.
You will not change.
They will not change.
Will I change?
Will you change?
Will we change?
Will he/she/it change?
Will you change?
Will they change?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have changed.
You have changed.
We have changed.
He/She/It has changed.
You have changed.
They have changed.
I have not changed.
You have not changed.
We have not changed.
He/She/It has not changed.
You have not changed.
They have not changed.
Have I changed?
Have you changed?
Have we changed?
Has he/she/it changed?
Have you changed?
Have they changed?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been changing.
You have been changing.
We have been changing.
He/She/It has been changing.
You have been changing.
They have been changing.
I have not been changing.
You have not been changing.
We have not been changing.
He/She/It has not been changing.
You have not been changing.
They have not been changing.
Have I been changing?
Have you been changing?
Have we been changing?
Has he/she/it been changing?
Have you been changing?
Have they been changing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had changed.
You had changed.
We had changed.
He/She/It had changed.
You had changed.
They had changed.
I had not changed.
You had not changed.
We had not changed.
He/She/It had not changed.
You had not changed.
They had not changed.
Had I changed?
Had you changed?
Had we changed?
Had he/she/it changed?
Had you changed?
Had they changed?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been changing.
You had been changing.
We had been changing.
He/She/It had been changing.
You had been changing.
They had been changing.
I had not been changing.
You had not been changing.
We had not been changing.
He/She/It had not been changing.
You had not been changing.
They had not been changing.
Had I been changing?
Had you been changing?
Had we been changing?
Had he/she/it been changing?
Had you been changing?
Had they been changing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have changed.
You will have changed.
We will have changed.
He/She/It will have changed.
You will have changed.
They will have changed.
I will not have changed.
You will not have changed.
We will not have changed.
He/She/It will not have changed.
You will not have changed.
They will not have changed.
Will I have changed?
Will you have changed?
Will we have changed?
Will he/she/it have changed?
Will you have changed?
Will they have changed?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would change.
You would change.
We would change.
He/She/It would change.
You would change.
They would change.
I would not change.
You would not change.
We would not change.
He/She/It would not change.
You would not change.
They would not change.
Would I change?
Would you change?
Would we change?
Would he/she/it change?
Would you change?
Would they change?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have changed.
You would have changed.
We would have changed.
He/She/It would have changed.
You would have changed.
They would have changed.
I would not have changed.
You would not have changed.
We would not have changed.
He/She/It would not have changed.
You would not have changed.
They would not have changed.
Would I have changed?
Would you have changed?
Would we have changed?
Would he/she/it have changed?
Would you have changed?
Would they have changed?

to charge cobrar; cargar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To charge"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I charge.
You charge.
We charge.
He/She/It charges.
You charge.
They charge.
I do not charge.
You do not charge.
We do not charge.
He/She/It does not charge.
You do not charge.
They do not charge.
Do I charge?
Do you charge?
Do we charge?
Does he/she/it charge?
Do you charge?
Do they charge?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am charging.
You are charging.
We are charging.
He/She/It is charging.
You are charging.
They are charging.
I am not charging.
You are not charging.
We are not charging.
He/She/It is not charging.
You are not charging.
They are not charging.
Am I charging?
Are you charging?
Are we charging?
Is he/she/it charging?
Are you charging?
Are they charging?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I charged.
You charged.
We charged.
He/She/It charged.
You charged.
They charged.
I did not charge.
You did not charge.
We did not charge.
He/She/It did not charge.
You did not charge.
They did not charge.
Did I charge?
Did you charge?
Did we charge?
Did he/she/it charge?
Did you charge?
Did they charge?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was charging.
You were charging.
We were charging.
He/She/It was charging.
You were charging.
They were charging.
I was not charging.
You were not charging.
We were not charging.
He/She/It was not charging.
You were not charging.
They were not charging.
Was I charging?
Were you charging?
Were we charging?
Was he/she/it charging?
Were you charging?
Were they charging?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will charge.
You will charge.
We will charge.
He/She/It will charge.
You will charge.
They will charge.
I will not charge.
You will not charge.
We will not charge.
He/She/It will not charge.
You will not charge.
They will not charge.
Will I charge?
Will you charge?
Will we charge?
Will he/she/it charge?
Will you charge?
Will they charge?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have charged.
You have charged.
We have charged.
He/She/It has charged.
You have charged.
They have charged.
I have not charged.
You have not charged.
We have not charged.
He/She/It has not charged.
You have not charged.
They have not charged.
Have I charged?
Have you charged?
Have we charged?
Has he/she/it charged?
Have you charged?
Have they charged?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been charging.
You have been charging.
We have been charging.
He/She/It has been charging.
You have been charging.
They have been charging.
I have not been charging.
You have not been charging.
We have not been charging.
He/She/It has not been charging.
You have not been charging.
They have not been charging.
Have I been charging?
Have you been charging?
Have we been charging?
Has he/she/it been charging?
Have you been charging?
Have they been charging?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had charged.
You had charged.
We had charged.
He/She/It had charged.
You had charged.
They had charged.
I had not charged.
You had not charged.
We had not charged.
He/She/It had not charged.
You had not charged.
They had not charged.
Had I charged?
Had you charged?
Had we charged?
Had he/she/it charged?
Had you charged?
Had they charged?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been charging.
You had been charging.
We had been charging.
He/She/It had been charging.
You had been charging.
They had been charging.
I had not been charging.
You had not been charging.
We had not been charging.
He/She/It had not been charging.
You had not been charging.
They had not been charging.
Had I been charging?
Had you been charging?
Had we been charging?
Had he/she/it been charging?
Had you been charging?
Had they been charging?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have charged.
You will have charged.
We will have charged.
He/She/It will have charged.
You will have charged.
They will have charged.
I will not have charged.
You will not have charged.
We will not have charged.
He/She/It will not have charged.
You will not have charged.
They will not have charged.
Will I have charged?
Will you have charged?
Will we have charged?
Will he/she/it have charged?
Will you have charged?
Will they have charged?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would charge.
You would charge.
We would charge.
He/She/It would charge.
You would charge.
They would charge.
I would not charge.
You would not charge.
We would not charge.
He/She/It would not charge.
You would not charge.
They would not charge.
Would I charge?
Would you charge?
Would we charge?
Would he/she/it charge?
Would you charge?
Would they charge?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have charged.
You would have charged.
We would have charged.
He/She/It would have charged.
You would have charged.
They would have charged.
I would not have charged.
You would not have charged.
We would not have charged.
He/She/It would not have charged.
You would not have charged.
They would not have charged.
Would I have charged?
Would you have charged?
Would we have charged?
Would he/she/it have charged?
Would you have charged?
Would they have charged?

to clean limpiar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To clean"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I clean.
You clean.
We clean.
He/She/It cleans.
You clean.
They clean.
I do not clean.
You do not clean.
We do not clean.
He/She/It does not clean.
You do not clean.
They do not clean.
Do I clean?
Do you clean?
Do we clean?
Does he/she/it clean?
Do you clean?
Do they clean?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am cleaning.
You are cleaning.
We are cleaning.
He/She/It is cleaning.
You are cleaning.
They are cleaning.
I am not cleaning.
You are not cleaning.
We are not cleaning.
He/She/It is not cleaning.
You are not cleaning.
They are not cleaning.
Am I cleaning?
Are you cleaning?
Are we cleaning?
Is he/she/it cleaning?
Are you cleaning?
Are they cleaning?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I cleaned.
You cleaned.
We cleaned.
He/She/It cleaned.
You cleaned.
They cleaned.
I did not clean.
You did not clean.
We did not clean.
He/She/It did not clean.
You did not clean.
They did not clean.
Did I clean?
Did you clean?
Did we clean?
Did he/she/it clean?
Did you clean?
Did they clean?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was cleaning.
You were cleaning.
We were cleaning.
He/She/It was cleaning.
You were cleaning.
They were cleaning.
I was not cleaning.
You were not cleaning.
We were not cleaning.
He/She/It was not cleaning.
You were not cleaning.
They were not cleaning.
Was I cleaning?
Were you cleaning?
Were we cleaning?
Was he/she/it cleaning?
Were you cleaning?
Were they cleaning?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will clean.
You will clean.
We will clean.
He/She/It will clean.
You will clean.
They will clean.
I will not clean.
You will not clean.
We will not clean.
He/She/It will not clean.
You will not clean.
They will not clean.
Will I clean?
Will you clean?
Will we clean?
Will he/she/it clean?
Will you clean?
Will they clean?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have cleaned.
You have cleaned.
We have cleaned.
He/She/It has cleaned.
You have cleaned.
They have cleaned.
I have not cleaned.
You have not cleaned.
We have not cleaned.
He/She/It has not cleaned.
You have not cleaned.
They have not cleaned.
Have I cleaned?
Have you cleaned?
Have we cleaned?
Has he/she/it cleaned?
Have you cleaned?
Have they cleaned?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been cleaning.
You have been cleaning.
We have been cleaning.
He/She/It has been cleaning.
You have been cleaning.
They have been cleaning.
I have not been cleaning.
You have not been cleaning.
We have not been cleaning.
He/She/It has not been cleaning.
You have not been cleaning.
They have not been cleaning.
Have I been cleaning?
Have you been cleaning?
Have we been cleaning?
Has he/she/it been cleaning?
Have you been cleaning?
Have they been cleaning?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had cleaned.
You had cleaned.
We had cleaned.
He/She/It had cleaned.
You had cleaned.
They had cleaned.
I had not cleaned.
You had not cleaned.
We had not cleaned.
He/She/It had not cleaned.
You had not cleaned.
They had not cleaned.
Had I cleaned?
Had you cleaned?
Had we cleaned?
Had he/she/it cleaned?
Had you cleaned?
Had they cleaned?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been cleaning.
You had been cleaning.
We had been cleaning.
He/She/It had been cleaning.
You had been cleaning.
They had been cleaning.
I had not been cleaning.
You had not been cleaning.
We had not been cleaning.
He/She/It had not been cleaning.
You had not been cleaning.
They had not been cleaning.
Had I been cleaning?
Had you been cleaning?
Had we been cleaning?
Had he/she/it been cleaning?
Had you been cleaning?
Had they been cleaning?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have cleaned.
You will have cleaned.
We will have cleaned.
He/She/It will have cleaned.
You will have cleaned.
They will have cleaned.
I will not have cleaned.
You will not have cleaned.
We will not have cleaned.
He/She/It will not have cleaned.
You will not have cleaned.
They will not have cleaned.
Will I have cleaned?
Will you have cleaned?
Will we have cleaned?
Will he/she/it have cleaned?
Will you have cleaned?
Will they have cleaned?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would clean.
You would clean.
We would clean.
He/She/It would clean.
You would clean.
They would clean.
I would not clean.
You would not clean.
We would not clean.
He/She/It would not clean.
You would not clean.
They would not clean.
Would I clean?
Would you clean?
Would we clean?
Would he/she/it clean?
Would you clean?
Would they clean?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have cleaned.
You would have cleaned.
We would have cleaned.
He/She/It would have cleaned.
You would have cleaned.
They would have cleaned.
I would not have cleaned.
You would not have cleaned.
We would not have cleaned.
He/She/It would not have cleaned.
You would not have cleaned.
They would not have cleaned.
Would I have cleaned?
Would you have cleaned?
Would we have cleaned?
Would he/she/it have cleaned?
Would you have cleaned?
Would they have cleaned?

to close cerrar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To close"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I close.
You close.
We close.
He/She/It closes.
You close.
They close.
I do not close.
You do not close.
We do not close.
He/She/It does not close.
You do not close.
They do not close.
Do I close?
Do you close?
Do we close?
Does he/she/it close?
Do you close?
Do they close?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am closing.
You are closing.
We are closing.
He/She/It is closing.
You are closing.
They are closing.
I am not closing.
You are not closing.
We are not closing.
He/She/It is not closing.
You are not closing.
They are not closing.
Am I closing?
Are you closing?
Are we closing?
Is he/she/it closing?
Are you closing?
Are they closing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I closed.
You closed.
We closed.
He/She/It closed.
You closed.
They closed.
I did not close.
You did not close.
We did not close.
He/She/It did not close.
You did not close.
They did not close.
Did I close?
Did you close?
Did we close?
Did he/she/it close?
Did you close?
Did they close?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was closing.
You were closing.
We were closing.
He/She/It was closing.
You were closing.
They were closing.
I was not closing.
You were not closing.
We were not closing.
He/She/It was not closing.
You were not closing.
They were not closing.
Was I closing?
Were you closing?
Were we closing?
Was he/she/it closing?
Were you closing?
Were they closing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will close.
You will close.
We will close.
He/She/It will close.
You will close.
They will close.
I will not close.
You will not close.
We will not close.
He/She/It will not close.
You will not close.
They will not close.
Will I close?
Will you close?
Will we close?
Will he/she/it close?
Will you close?
Will they close?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have closed.
You have closed.
We have closed.
He/She/It has closed.
You have closed.
They have closed.
I have not closed.
You have not closed.
We have not closed.
He/She/It has not closed.
You have not closed.
They have not closed.
Have I closed?
Have you closed?
Have we closed?
Has he/she/it closed?
Have you closed?
Have they closed?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been closing.
You have been closing.
We have been closing.
He/She/It has been closing.
You have been closing.
They have been closing.
I have not been closing.
You have not been closing.
We have not been closing.
He/She/It has not been closing.
You have not been closing.
They have not been closing.
Have I been closing?
Have you been closing?
Have we been closing?
Has he/she/it been closing?
Have you been closing?
Have they been closing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had closed.
You had closed.
We had closed.
He/She/It had closed.
You had closed.
They had closed.
I had not closed.
You had not closed.
We had not closed.
He/She/It had not closed.
You had not closed.
They had not closed.
Had I closed?
Had you closed?
Had we closed?
Had he/she/it closed?
Had you closed?
Had they closed?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been closing.
You had been closing.
We had been closing.
He/She/It had been closing.
You had been closing.
They had been closing.
I had not been closing.
You had not been closing.
We had not been closing.
He/She/It had not been closing.
You had not been closing.
They had not been closing.
Had I been closing?
Had you been closing?
Had we been closing?
Had he/she/it been closing?
Had you been closing?
Had they been closing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have closed.
You will have closed.
We will have closed.
He/She/It will have closed.
You will have closed.
They will have closed.
I will not have closed.
You will not have closed.
We will not have closed.
He/She/It will not have closed.
You will not have closed.
They will not have closed.
Will I have closed?
Will you have closed?
Will we have closed?
Will he/she/it have closed?
Will you have closed?
Will they have closed?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would close.
You would close.
We would close.
He/She/It would close.
You would close.
They would close.
I would not close.
You would not close.
We would not close.
He/She/It would not close.
You would not close.
They would not close.
Would I close?
Would you close?
Would we close?
Would he/she/it close?
Would you close?
Would they close?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have closed.
You would have closed.
We would have closed.
He/She/It would have closed.
You would have closed.
They would have closed.
I would not have closed.
You would not have closed.
We would not have closed.
He/She/It would not have closed.
You would not have closed.
They would not have closed.
Would I have closed?
Would you have closed?
Would we have closed?
Would he/she/it have closed?
Would you have closed?
Would they have closed?

to continue continuar; seguir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To continue"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I continue.
You continue.
We continue.
He/She/It continues.
You continue.
They continue.
I do not continue.
You do not continue.
We do not continue.
He/She/It does not continue.
You do not continue.
They do not continue.
Do I continue?
Do you continue?
Do we continue?
Does he/she/it continue?
Do you continue?
Do they continue?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am continuing.
You are continuing.
We are continuing.
He/She/It is continuing.
You are continuing.
They are continuing.
I am not continuing.
You are not continuing.
We are not continuing.
He/She/It is not continuing.
You are not continuing.
They are not continuing.
Am I continuing?
Are you continuing?
Are we continuing?
Is he/she/it continuing?
Are you continuing?
Are they continuing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I continued.
You continued.
We continued.
He/She/It continued.
You continued.
They continued.
I did not continue.
You did not continue.
We did not continue.
He/She/It did not continue.
You did not continue.
They did not continue.
Did I continue?
Did you continue?
Did we continue?
Did he/she/it continue?
Did you continue?
Did they continue?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was continuing.
You were continuing.
We were continuing.
He/She/It was continuing.
You were continuing.
They were continuing.
I was not continuing.
You were not continuing.
We were not continuing.
He/She/It was not continuing.
You were not continuing.
They were not continuing.
Was I continuing?
Were you continuing?
Were we continuing?
Was he/she/it continuing?
Were you continuing?
Were they continuing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will continue.
You will continue.
We will continue.
He/She/It will continue.
You will continue.
They will continue.
I will not continue.
You will not continue.
We will not continue.
He/She/It will not continue.
You will not continue.
They will not continue.
Will I continue?
Will you continue?
Will we continue?
Will he/she/it continue?
Will you continue?
Will they continue?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have continued.
You have continued.
We have continued.
He/She/It has continued.
You have continued.
They have continued.
I have not continued.
You have not continued.
We have not continued.
He/She/It has not continued.
You have not continued.
They have not continued.
Have I continued?
Have you continued?
Have we continued?
Has he/she/it continued?
Have you continued?
Have they continued?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been continuing.
You have been continuing.
We have been continuing.
He/She/It has been continuing.
You have been continuing.
They have been continuing.
I have not been continuing.
You have not been continuing.
We have not been continuing.
He/She/It has not been continuing.
You have not been continuing.
They have not been continuing.
Have I been continuing?
Have you been continuing?
Have we been continuing?
Has he/she/it been continuing?
Have you been continuing?
Have they been continuing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had continued.
You had continued.
We had continued.
He/She/It had continued.
You had continued.
They had continued.
I had not continued.
You had not continued.
We had not continued.
He/She/It had not continued.
You had not continued.
They had not continued.
Had I continued?
Had you continued?
Had we continued?
Had he/she/it continued?
Had you continued?
Had they continued?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been continuing.
You had been continuing.
We had been continuing.
He/She/It had been continuing.
You had been continuing.
They had been continuing.
I had not been continuing.
You had not been continuing.
We had not been continuing.
He/She/It had not been continuing.
You had not been continuing.
They had not been continuing.
Had I been continuing?
Had you been continuing?
Had we been continuing?
Had he/she/it been continuing?
Had you been continuing?
Had they been continuing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have continued.
You will have continued.
We will have continued.
He/She/It will have continued.
You will have continued.
They will have continued.
I will not have continued.
You will not have continued.
We will not have continued.
He/She/It will not have continued.
You will not have continued.
They will not have continued.
Will I have continued?
Will you have continued?
Will we have continued?
Will he/she/it have continued?
Will you have continued?
Will they have continued?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would continue.
You would continue.
We would continue.
He/She/It would continue.
You would continue.
They would continue.
I would not continue.
You would not continue.
We would not continue.
He/She/It would not continue.
You would not continue.
They would not continue.
Would I continue?
Would you continue?
Would we continue?
Would he/she/it continue?
Would you continue?
Would they continue?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have continued.
You would have continued.
We would have continued.
He/She/It would have continued.
You would have continued.
They would have continued.
I would not have continued.
You would not have continued.
We would not have continued.
He/She/It would not have continued.
You would not have continued.
They would not have continued.
Would I have continued?
Would you have continued?
Would we have continued?
Would he/she/it have continued?
Would you have continued?
Would they have continued?

to cook cocinar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To cook"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I cook.
You cook.
We cook.
He/She/It cooks.
You cook.
They cook.
I do not cook.
You do not cook.
We do not cook.
He/She/It does not cook.
You do not cook.
They do not cook.
Do I cook?
Do you cook?
Do we cook?
Does he/she/it cook?
Do you cook?
Do they cook?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am cooking.
You are cooking.
We are cooking.
He/She/It is cooking.
You are cooking.
They are cooking.
I am not cooking.
You are not cooking.
We are not cooking.
He/She/It is not cooking.
You are not cooking.
They are not cooking.
Am I cooking?
Are you cooking?
Are we cooking?
Is he/she/it cooking?
Are you cooking?
Are they cooking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I cooked.
You cooked.
We cooked.
He/She/It cooked.
You cooked.
They cooked.
I did not cook.
You did not cook.
We did not cook.
He/She/It did not cook.
You did not cook.
They did not cook.
Did I cook?
Did you cook?
Did we cook?
Did he/she/it cook?
Did you cook?
Did they cook?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was cooking.
You were cooking.
We were cooking.
He/She/It was cooking.
You were cooking.
They were cooking.
I was not cooking.
You were not cooking.
We were not cooking.
He/She/It was not cooking.
You were not cooking.
They were not cooking.
Was I cooking?
Were you cooking?
Were we cooking?
Was he/she/it cooking?
Were you cooking?
Were they cooking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will cook.
You will cook.
We will cook.
He/She/It will cook.
You will cook.
They will cook.
I will not cook.
You will not cook.
We will not cook.
He/She/It will not cook.
You will not cook.
They will not cook.
Will I cook?
Will you cook?
Will we cook?
Will he/she/it cook?
Will you cook?
Will they cook?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have cooked.
You have cooked.
We have cooked.
He/She/It has cooked.
You have cooked.
They have cooked.
I have not cooked.
You have not cooked.
We have not cooked.
He/She/It has not cooked.
You have not cooked.
They have not cooked.
Have I cooked?
Have you cooked?
Have we cooked?
Has he/she/it cooked?
Have you cooked?
Have they cooked?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been cooking.
You have been cooking.
We have been cooking.
He/She/It has been cooking.
You have been cooking.
They have been cooking.
I have not been cooking.
You have not been cooking.
We have not been cooking.
He/She/It has not been cooking.
You have not been cooking.
They have not been cooking.
Have I been cooking?
Have you been cooking?
Have we been cooking?
Has he/she/it been cooking?
Have you been cooking?
Have they been cooking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had cooked.
You had cooked.
We had cooked.
He/She/It had cooked.
You had cooked.
They had cooked.
I had not cooked.
You had not cooked.
We had not cooked.
He/She/It had not cooked.
You had not cooked.
They had not cooked.
Had I cooked?
Had you cooked?
Had we cooked?
Had he/she/it cooked?
Had you cooked?
Had they cooked?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been cooking.
You had been cooking.
We had been cooking.
He/She/It had been cooking.
You had been cooking.
They had been cooking.
I had not been cooking.
You had not been cooking.
We had not been cooking.
He/She/It had not been cooking.
You had not been cooking.
They had not been cooking.
Had I been cooking?
Had you been cooking?
Had we been cooking?
Had he/she/it been cooking?
Had you been cooking?
Had they been cooking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have cooked.
You will have cooked.
We will have cooked.
He/She/It will have cooked.
You will have cooked.
They will have cooked.
I will not have cooked.
You will not have cooked.
We will not have cooked.
He/She/It will not have cooked.
You will not have cooked.
They will not have cooked.
Will I have cooked?
Will you have cooked?
Will we have cooked?
Will he/she/it have cooked?
Will you have cooked?
Will they have cooked?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would cook.
You would cook.
We would cook.
He/She/It would cook.
You would cook.
They would cook.
I would not cook.
You would not cook.
We would not cook.
He/She/It would not cook.
You would not cook.
They would not cook.
Would I cook?
Would you cook?
Would we cook?
Would he/she/it cook?
Would you cook?
Would they cook?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have cooked.
You would have cooked.
We would have cooked.
He/She/It would have cooked.
You would have cooked.
They would have cooked.
I would not have cooked.
You would not have cooked.
We would not have cooked.
He/She/It would not have cooked.
You would not have cooked.
They would not have cooked.
Would I have cooked?
Would you have cooked?
Would we have cooked?
Would he/she/it have cooked?
Would you have cooked?
Would they have cooked?

to cry llorar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To cry"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I cry.
You cry.
We cry.
He/She/It cries.
You cry.
They cry.
I do not cry.
You do not cry.
We do not cry.
He/She/It does not cry.
You do not cry.
They do not cry.
Do I cry?
Do you cry?
Do we cry?
Does he/she/it cry?
Do you cry?
Do they cry?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am crying.
You are crying.
We are crying.
He/She/It is crying.
You are crying.
They are crying.
I am not crying.
You are not crying.
We are not crying.
He/She/It is not crying.
You are not crying.
They are not crying.
Am I crying?
Are you crying?
Are we crying?
Is he/she/it crying?
Are you crying?
Are they crying?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I cried.
You cried.
We cried.
He/She/It cried.
You cried.
They cried.
I did not cry.
You did not cry.
We did not cry.
He/She/It did not cry.
You did not cry.
They did not cry.
Did I cry?
Did you cry?
Did we cry?
Did he/she/it cry?
Did you cry?
Did they cry?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was crying.
You were crying.
We were crying.
He/She/It was crying.
You were crying.
They were crying.
I was not crying.
You were not crying.
We were not crying.
He/She/It was not crying.
You were not crying.
They were not crying.
Was I crying?
Were you crying?
Were we crying?
Was he/she/it crying?
Were you crying?
Were they crying?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will cry.
You will cry.
We will cry.
He/She/It will cry.
You will cry.
They will cry.
I will not cry.
You will not cry.
We will not cry.
He/She/It will not cry.
You will not cry.
They will not cry.
Will I cry?
Will you cry?
Will we cry?
Will he/she/it cry?
Will you cry?
Will they cry?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have cried.
You have cried.
We have cried.
He/She/It has cried.
You have cried.
They have cried.
I have not cried.
You have not cried.
We have not cried.
He/She/It has not cried.
You have not cried.
They have not cried.
Have I cried?
Have you cried?
Have we cried?
Has he/she/it cried?
Have you cried?
Have they cried?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been crying.
You have been crying.
We have been crying.
He/She/It has been crying.
You have been crying.
They have been crying.
I have not been crying.
You have not been crying.
We have not been crying.
He/She/It has not been crying.
You have not been crying.
They have not been crying.
Have I been crying?
Have you been crying?
Have we been crying?
Has he/she/it been crying?
Have you been crying?
Have they been crying?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had cried.
You had cried.
We had cried.
He/She/It had cried.
You had cried.
They had cried.
I had not cried.
You had not cried.
We had not cried.
He/She/It had not cried.
You had not cried.
They had not cried.
Had I cried?
Had you cried?
Had we cried?
Had he/she/it cried?
Had you cried?
Had they cried?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been crying.
You had been crying.
We had been crying.
He/She/It had been crying.
You had been crying.
They had been crying.
I had not been crying.
You had not been crying.
We had not been crying.
He/She/It had not been crying.
You had not been crying.
They had not been crying.
Had I been crying?
Had you been crying?
Had we been crying?
Had he/she/it been crying?
Had you been crying?
Had they been crying?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have cried.
You will have cried.
We will have cried.
He/She/It will have cried.
You will have cried.
They will have cried.
I will not have cried.
You will not have cried.
We will not have cried.
He/She/It will not have cried.
You will not have cried.
They will not have cried.
Will I have cried?
Will you have cried?
Will we have cried?
Will he/she/it have cried?
Will you have cried?
Will they have cried?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would cry.
You would cry.
We would cry.
He/She/It would cry.
You would cry.
They would cry.
I would not cry.
You would not cry.
We would not cry.
He/She/It would not cry.
You would not cry.
They would not cry.
Would I cry?
Would you cry?
Would we cry?
Would he/she/it cry?
Would you cry?
Would they cry?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have cried.
You would have cried.
We would have cried.
He/She/It would have cried.
You would have cried.
They would have cried.
I would not have cried.
You would not have cried.
We would not have cried.
He/She/It would not have cried.
You would not have cried.
They would not have cried.
Would I have cried?
Would you have cried?
Would we have cried?
Would he/she/it have cried?
Would you have cried?
Would they have cried?

to dance bailar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To dance"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I dance.
You dance.
We dance.
He/She/It dances.
You dance.
They dance.
I do not dance.
You do not dance.
We do not dance.
He/She/It does not dance.
You do not dance.
They do not dance.
Do I dance?
Do you dance?
Do we dance?
Does he/she/it dance?
Do you dance?
Do they dance?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am dancing.
You are dancing.
We are dancing.
He/She/It is dancing.
You are dancing.
They are dancing.
I am not dancing.
You are not dancing.
We are not dancing.
He/She/It is not dancing.
You are not dancing.
They are not dancing.
Am I dancing?
Are you dancing?
Are we dancing?
Is he/she/it dancing?
Are you dancing?
Are they dancing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I danced.
You danced.
We danced.
He/She/It danced.
You danced.
They danced.
I did not dance.
You did not dance.
We did not dance.
He/She/It did not dance.
You did not dance.
They did not dance.
Did I dance?
Did you dance?
Did we dance?
Did he/she/it dance?
Did you dance?
Did they dance?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was dancing.
You were dancing.
We were dancing.
He/She/It was dancing.
You were dancing.
They were dancing.