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    Learn Courses Advanced level Collocations and expressions Do vs make

"Today I am going to DO my homework, DO yoga and MAKE a cake." In this sentence we can see examples of the verbs "do" and "make". Learn the differences between them in this lesson.

“Do” and “make” are two verbs which are frequently confused in English as differences in their meaning are subtle. In general, “do” refers more to the action, while with “make” we are referring more to the result of the action.


“Do” is used for actions, activities and work. In general, these actions and activities do not produce a physical object. It’s broader meaning is “to perform”.


  do homework
  do a job
  do the dishes
  do housework
  do exercise

We use “do” when we are speaking in general, when we don’t say exactly what the action or activity is we are preforming. In this sense, “do” is often used with indefinite pronouns such as “something”, “anything”, “nothing”, etc.


  What are you doing today? I’m not doing anything.
  He’s always doing nice things for his girlfriend.
  Are you doing anything important right now?


  do good
  do right
  do wrong
  do damage
  do one’s best
  do a favor
  do justice
  do research
  do harm
  do business
  do one’s hair
  do wonders


“Make” can be defined as “to produce” or “to create”. It is used for activities which result in something physical.


  make breakfast / lunch / dinner
  make a dress
  make furniture


Note: There are many expressions which use the verb “make”. In many of these expressions, “make” cannot be translated as “to produce” or “to create” and in many cases, “do” would appear more appropriate. As they are fixed expressions though, they must simply be memorized.


  make a decision
  make a choice
  make a plan
  make arrangements
  make an appointment
  make a mistake
  make money
  make an excuse
  make an effort
  make an attempt
  make fun of
  make progress
  make an offer
  make [a] noise
  make peace
  make war
  make a phone call
  make an exception
  make a confession
  make a discovery
  make a change
  make amends
  make a comment
  make a statement
  make a speech
  make a difference
  make friends
  make love
  make a fire
  make an impression
  make a mess
  make a point
  make a promise
  make a suggestion
  make time
  make the bed
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