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    Learn Courses Business english Vocabulary expressions Business english dialogues 2
Jane Turner is a sales representative for the company Furry’s Pet Supplies. The company sells a wide variety of products for pets including food, cages, leashes, collars, brushes, toys and more. Today, Jane has an appointment with Mr. Wilson, the owner of a large pet shop called Wilson’s.

Here is their conversation during the meeting:


  Good morning, I’m Jane Turner of Furry’s Pet Supplies. I have an appointment this morning with Mr. Wilson.


  Yes, come in. Mr. Wilson is expecting you.

Mr. Wilson:



  Good morning, Mr. Wilson. I’m Jane Turner.

Mr. Wilson:

  Nice to meet you, Mrs. Turner. Come into my office.


  I have seen that you carry some good products in your shop, but I would like to show you our line of products and the competitive prices that we offer.

Mr. Wilson:

  Yes, I’d like that.


  This is our new catalog. You can see that we offer leashes in a large variety of different materials, colors and lengths.

Mr. Wilson:

  Yes, they look very nice.


  Also, we have just started carrying these toys. They are very popular nowadays. These rubber balls are especially popular for dog owners.

Mr. Wilson:

  Why are they better than any other balls?


  Because these balls are made of a very strong rubber that is almost impossible to break. They’re very high quality.

Mr. Wilson:

  Good. What about dog and cat food?


  Yes, this Energy Dog Food is our biggest seller right now. It is a high quality food for high energy dogs at a very reasonable price.

Mr. Wilson:

  How much is it?


  The minimum order is of 30 bags and the price goes down the bigger the order. You can see here on our price list that an order of 30 bags of Energy Dog Food costs $280. That’s less than $10 a bag and it is an excellent quality food.

Mr. Wilson:

  I would be interested in that dog food.


  Look here on our catalog. These bird cages are fantastic. They are light-weight, they can be moved easily and they have lots of different stands for the birds to stand on.

Mr. Wilson:

  We already have bird cages like that, but if your price is better we may be interested.


  We sell them for $16 each.

Mr. Wilson:

  Can you offer us a discount if we order a large quantity?


  If you make an order of at least 10 cages, I can offer you a 15% discount.


  Yes, okay, we can do that.


  Great. I will leave this catalog and the order sheet with you so that you can look through it more closely and I will come back in about 10 days to pick up the order. Does that suit you?

Mr. Wilson:

  Yes, that sounds good. You can ask the receptionist on your way out for an appointment in about 10 days.


  Perfect. It has been very nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson.

Mr. Wilson:

  Yes, nice to meet you too.


  Here is my card. If you have any questions about our products, the prices or the discounts, please contact me.

Mr. Wilson:

  Okay, I will. See you in about 10 days.


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