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    Learn Courses Advanced level Adjectives and adverbs Enough and too

-"Do we have ENOUGH chairs for the dinner?" - "No. But this room is TOO small to put any more chairs". These sentences have examples with the words "too" and "enough". Learn about them below.

Enough” and “too” are used to as qualifiers with adjectives, adverbs and nouns to indicate degree.


Enough” is an adjective which is used to mean sufficient or equal to what is necessary. It can be used with other adjectives, adverbs or nouns.

1. With adjectives and adverbs:

adjective/adverb + “enough”


  Heather is old enough now to make her own decisions.
  Victor doesn’t speak English well enough for the job.
  The apartment is big enough for three people.
  Ben runs fast enough to win the race.
  We aren’t working hard enough! We are never going to finish this project.

2. With nouns:

“enough” + noun


  I don’t have enough time to finish all this work!
  Is there enough wine for everyone to try?
  Don’t worry, they have enough space in the car for all of us.
Note: We can replace “enough” with the “the” to indicate the same thing. Compare the examples above and below.


  I don’t have the time to finish all this work!
  Don’t worry, they have the space for all of us.
Note: We can also use “enough” without a noun when it is clear what it is we are referring to.


  Would you like some more coffee? No, I’ve had enough, thank you.
  Do you have enough to pay for this?

3. We can use “enough” with an adjective and a noun, but the meaning of the sentence changes with the position of “enough”.


  Is there enough hot water? (Meaning: Is there sufficient hot water?)
  Is there hot enough water? (Meaning: Is the water sufficiently hot?)

4. “Enough of”

“enough of” + determiner [article or pronoun]


  I’ve been in enough of these situations to know better!
  We’ve had enough of your complaints. Don’t you have anything positive to say?
  Michael has studied enough of the possibilities to make a good decision.


Too” is an adverb which indicates that there is a quantity which is more than sufficient.

1. With adjectives and adverbs:

“too” + adjective/adverb


  You are too young to understand.
  Clare is too irresponsible to have a dog.
  It’s too early to go to bed.
Note: We can use “enough” in negative sentences to indicate that something is less than sufficient. Compare the examples below to the ones above.


  You are not old enough to understand.
  Clare is not responsible enough to have a dog.

2. When using “too” with nouns, we use the expressions “too many” or “too much”.

“too many” + countable noun
“too much” + uncountable noun


  There are too many students in the classroom.
  Is there too much sugar in your coffee?
  My daughter has too many shoes, she doesn’t need any more!
  There is too much work for just one person!

3. “Too much of” or “Too many of”

“too many of” + determiner + countable noun
“too much of” + determiner + uncountable noun


  His problem is that he spends too much of his time playing video games!
  That’s enough. You have already eaten too many of the chocolates!
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