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    Practicar Ejercicios Linking words


Linking Words

Completa la frase con una/s palabra/s de enlace.
Ejemplo My husband got the job, ____ he didn't have as much experience as the other candidates.




1 de 10 We can go out to dinner _____ we can have a pizza delivered, _____ I'm not cooking.
2 de 10 My father speaks many languages. He speaks English, French, Spanish _____ German. He _____ speaks some Japanese.
3 de 10 The company will have to declare bankruptcy _____ it has too much debt.
4 de 10 We can buy a new car, _____ I get the promotion. We just don't have enough money right now
5 de 10 We can't buy a new car _____ I get that promotion. We just don't have enough money right now.
6 de 10 We can buy a new car _____ I get that promotion. We have plenty of money right now.
7 de 10 I know it's too cold to go outside, _____ there are lots of things we can do here at home. _____, we could play a board game or watch a movie.
8 de 10 _____ all his effort, he still lost.
9 de 10 If Bill and Steve are going, I want to go _____.
10 de 10 _____ he is a good student, he finds it hard to take exams.