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    Learn Courses Advanced level Pronunciation
14.1. Letters and Sounds
"THREW" and "THROUGH". These two words have very different spellings but they are pronounced the same.
14.2. Vowels
Do we pronounce the "A" the same in these two words: "HAT"/"HATE"? In this lesson you will learn about the different vowels in English and how to pronounce them.
14.3. Consonants
Do you know how to pronounce the regular verbs in the Past Simple: WATCHED, LISTENED and WANTED? In the lesson below you will learn about the pronunciation of consonants.
14.4. Silent Letters
Which of these words have a silent letter: lamb, daughter, window? In the following lesson you are going to learn about silent letters in English and how to pronounce the words that have them.
14.5. Syllable Stress
We have marked the stressed syllables of the words in this sentence with capital letters: "It's VERy imPORtant to get a good eduCAtion to be sucCESSful".
14.6. Word or Sentence Stress
"HE was SO HAPPY that he BOUGHT a LOTTERY TICKET". In this sentence the words in capital letters are the ones we pronounce with the most emphasis.