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    Learn Courses Advanced level Verb tenses present perfect

Advanced level

Verb Tenses: Present Perfect

(Tiempos verbales: El presente perfecto)

1.1. Present Perfect
In general, the present perfect is a mix of the present and the past.
1.2. Present Perfect Continuous
The present perfect continuous is used for actions or events that began in the past and continue into the present.
1.3. Present Perfect vs. Past Simple
The past simple is used for actions or events that ended in the past, including the recent past.
1.4. Already/Just/Still/Yet
We most often use the adverbs "already", "just", "still" and "yet" with the present perfect, although they may be used with other verb tenses.
1.5. For/Since/Ago
We use "for", "since" and "ago" to express a relationship with time. These adverbs can be used with various verb tenses. "For" y "since" respond to the question: "How long...
1.6. Modal Perfects
As we saw in the inicial lesson on modal verbs, these verbs express modality, such as possibility and probability.