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Let's go out and play in the snow!

Resultado de la traducción
¡Salgamos a jugar en la nieve! Let's go out and play in the snow!

let noun

1. A brutal terrorist group active in kashmir.

2. A serve that strikes the net before falling into the receiver's court.

The tennis player was frustrated with her let in the crucial match, feeling it cost her the chance at winning. El tenista se sentía frustrada con su error en el partido clave, sintiendo que lo había costado su oportunidad de ganar.
The umpire called a fault on the server after his opponent hit a powerful let that barely grazed the net. El árbitro llamó una falta al servidor después de que su oponente golpeara un let potente que apenas rozó la red.

go noun

1. A time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else).

The nurse has to work her go at the hospital, then she'll get some well-deserved rest. La enfermera tiene que trabajar en el hospital, y después se merecerá un descanso bien merecido.

2. Street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine.

3. A usually brief attempt.

After a few go at solving the puzzle, I finally got it right. Después de varios intentos por resolver el rompecabezas, finalmente lo hice bien.

4. A board game for two players who place counters on a grid.

The friends spent the evening playing Go, trying to outmaneuver each other on the grid. Los amigos pasaron la tarde jugando Go y tratando de superar el uno al otro en la rejilla.

play noun

1. A dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage.

The Tony Award-winning play "Hamilton" has been selling out shows on Broadway for months. La obra de teatro ganadora del Premio Tony 'Hamilton' ha estado vendiendo entradas agotadas en Broadway durante meses.

2. A theatrical performance of a drama.

The play was a huge success, with audiences raving about the talented cast and clever plot twists. El espectáculo fue un gran éxito, con el público alabando la talentosa plantilla y ingeniosos giros de trama.

3. A preset plan of action in team sports.

The coach drew up a new play for the end zone pass, hoping to catch the opposing team off guard. El entrenador trazó un nuevo juego para el pase al área del fondo, esperando sorprender al equipo rival.

4. A deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill.

The acrobat's play in the circus tent featured a series of daring flips and twists, leaving the audience gasping in amazement. El espectáculo del acróbata en el tienda de circo destacó una serie de saltos y giros valientes que dejaron al público sin aliento por la sorpresa.

5. A state in which action is feasible.

The new policy has put us in play, allowing us to take advantage of market trends and increase our revenue. La nueva política nos ha colocado en juego, permitiéndonos aprovechar las tendencias del mercado y aumentar nuestra rentabilidad.

6. Utilization or exercise.

The children spent hours at the playground, enjoying their recess play and running around with their friends. Los niños pasaron horas en el parque infantil, disfrutando de su recreo y corriendo con sus amigos.

7. An attempt to get something.

After trying multiple plays, she finally managed to fix the stuck zipper on her favorite jacket. Después de intentar diferentes maneras, finalmente logró arreglar el cierre estancado en su chaqueta favorita.

8. Activity by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules.

During recess, the kids engaged in a lively game of play, building an elaborate fort and having a blast making up their own rules. Durante el recreo, los niños se dedicaron a un juego animado de jugar, construyeron una fortaleza elaborada y pasaron un rato estupendo creando sus propias reglas.

9. (in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds.

The football team was on a roll, having won several matches in a row, and they looked forward to getting back into play after the halftime break. El equipo de fútbol estaba en racha, habiendo ganado varios partidos seguidos, y se animaban a regresar al juego después del descanso del medio tiempo.

10. The removal of constraints.

The team's play allowed them to break free from their restrictive contracts and sign new deals that matched their market value. El juego del equipo les permitió romper sus contratos restrictivos y firmar nuevos acuerdos que se ajustaron a su valor de mercado.

11. A weak and tremulous light.

The old lantern cast only a faint play on the walls of the abandoned mine, making it difficult for us to see. La linterna vieja proyectaba solo una débil sombra en las paredes de la mina abandonada, lo que nos hacía difícil ver.

12. Verbal wit or mockery (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously).

The comedian's quick play on words had the audience in stitches, and his witty remarks left everyone feeling good-natured. El juego de palabras rápido del comediante dejó al público en convulsiones y sus comentarios agudos dejarón a todos con un buen humor.

13. Movement or space for movement.

The kids love to run around in the playground's play, exploring every nook and cranny of the outdoor area. Los niños adoran correr por todo el parque y explorar cada rincón y esquina del área al aire libre.

14. Gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement.

The annual music festival was transformed into a vibrant play area, complete with giant inflatables and interactive games, to keep the crowd entertained throughout the night. Festival de música anual se transformó en un área de juego vibrante, con inflables gigantes y juegos interactivos, para mantener entretenida a la multitud toda la noche.

15. (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession.

The children spent their afternoon playing a game of tag, but it soon turned into a round of musical play with everyone singing along. Los niños pasaron la tarde jugando un juego de caza, pero pronto se convirtió en una ronda de juego musical con todo el mundo cantando al unísono.

16. The act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize).

The casino offered a variety of plays, from slots to roulette, to attract high-rollers and casual gamblers alike. El casino ofreció una variedad de juegos, desde tragamonedas hasta ruleta, para atraer a apuestas altas y jugadores ocasionales por igual.

17. The act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully.

The fencer's play was impressive, as she swiftly moved her foil across the piste, striking true time after time. El juego del espadachín fue impresionante, ya que rápidamente movió su sable a lo largo de la pista, acertando en el tiempo todo el tiempo.

snow noun

1. Precipitation falling from clouds in the form of ice crystals.

The winter storm brought heavy snow to the city, causing widespread disruptions to daily life. La tormenta de invierno trajo nieve abundante a la ciudad, causando graves interrupciones en la vida diaria.

2. A layer of snowflakes (white crystals of frozen water) covering the ground.

The winter storm left behind a thick blanket of snow that covered the entire parking lot, making it difficult for cars to access. La tormenta de invierno dejó atrás un manto espeso de nieve que cubrió todo el aparcamiento, lo que dificultaba el acceso para los coches.

3. English writer of novels about moral dilemmas in academe (1905-1980).

The literary critic praised Paul Snow's nuanced portrayal of academic life in his novels, which often explored the moral complexities faced by professors and students. El crítico literario elogió la representación matizada de la vida académica en las novelas de Paul Snow, que a menudo exploraban las complejidades morales enfrentadas por profesores y estudiantes.

4. Street names for cocaine.