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    Learn Courses Business english Office Speaking on the telephone

Office - Lesson 2.1

Speaking on the Telephone

(Hablando por teléfono)

  bad line
  collect call
  directory enquiry
  switchboard operator
  to call/ring back
  to cut off
  to dial
  to hang up
  to hold [on]
  to pick up
  to put through
  to transfer call

Useful Phrases

Answering the telephone

  Good morning/Good afternoon, Susan [your name] speaking.
  XY Company [Company name], this is Susan [your name] speaking, how can I help you?

Asking to speak with someone

  May I/Could I speak with Mrs. Swanson please.
  I’d like to speak with Mrs. Swanson, please.
  I’m trying to contact Mrs. Swanson.

Asking for caller’s name

  May I get your name, please?
  May I say who’s calling?
  With whom am I speaking?
  Who’s calling, please?

Explaining the reason we’re calling

  I’m calling to ask about…
  I’m calling in regards to…
  I’m phoning to tell you about…

Asking to wait

  Can you please hold a moment?
  One moment, please.
  Hold the line, please.
  Please hold.

Transferring a call

  Thank you for holding.
  I’ll transfer you now.
  I’ll put you through now.
  I’ll connect you now.
  I’m sorry, but he/she is not available right now.
  I’m sorry, his/her line is busy.
  He/she is in a meeting at the moment.
  Could you call back later?

When we don’t understand or can’t hear

  I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you repeat that, please?
  I’m sorry, I can’t hear you very well. Could you speak up a little, please?
  Could you spell that, please?


  Would you like to leave a message?
  May I leave a message, please?
  Could you give him/her a message?
  Could you tell him/her that I called?
  Could you ask him/her to call me back, please?
  What’s your name, please?
  What’s your number, please?
  When is a good time to call back?

Ending a call

  Thank you very much for your help.
  Thanks for the information.
  Thank you for calling/your call.
  Take care.
  Have a nice day!


Below you will find some examples of telephone conversations.

Conversation 1


  Good morning, XY Company, Susan speaking. How can I help you?

Mr. Smith:

  Hello, my name is Mr. Smith and I’m calling for the Purchasing Department please.


  Okay, which company do you represent?

Mr. Smith:

  Smith Office Materials.


  I will transfer you now.

Mr. Smith:

  Thank you.


  Purchasing Department, this is Sarah speaking.

Mr. Smith:

  Hello Sarah. My name is Mr. Smith and I am calling from Smith Office Materials. You have ordered materials from us in the past.


  Yes, of course. I’m familiar with the company.

Mr. Smith:

  We have just printed our new catalog of office materials and I would like to make an appointment to show it to you and tell you about some of our new products.


  Okay, let’s see. Can you come on September 15th at 9:00am?

Mr. Smith:

  Yes, that’d be great. I’ll see you on the 15th then.


  Okay, great. See you then.

Conversation 2


  Good morning, XY Company, Susan speaking. How can I help you?

Mr. Jones:

  Hello, my name is Mr. Jones from Jones Computer Service and I’m calling for Mr. Kendall please.


  One moment, please.


  I’m sorry. His line is busy right now. Would you like to leave a message?

Mr. Jones:

  Yes, please tell him that Mr. Jones called and to call me back when it’s convenient.


  Can I get your phone number, please?

Mr. Jones:

  Yes, it is 888-564-7781.


  Okay, thank you. I’ll give him the message.

Mr. Jones:

  Thank you. Good-bye.


  Have a nice day!
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